Hiroshima: Prefectures Ranking

Hiroshima : Rated at each company, and Credit Rating be compared at each prefecture.

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Hiroshima55: Company Credit Rating (Bankruptcy Risk) and Sales

(Note: ** Non-Consolidated)
NO. Company Rating Sales Note
1. IZUMI AAA 510 Bil 2013-02-28
2. Hiroshima Tourism Prom.. AAA 548 Mil ** 2013-03-31
3. 自重堂 AA 17 Bil 2013-06-30
4. ASUKANET AA 4 Bil ** 2013-04-30
5. FUKUYAMA TRANSPORTING A 246 Bil 2013-03-31
6. AOYAMA TRADING A 212 Bil 2013-03-31
7. エフピコ A 158 Bil 2013-03-31
8. The Hiroshima Bank A 132 Bil 2013-03-31
9. JMS A 49 Bil 2013-03-31
10. HIROSHIMA ELECTRIC RAI.. A 41 Bil 2013-03-31
11. ASEED HOLDINGS A 32 Bil 2013-03-31
12. MANAC A 9 Bil 2013-03-31
13. FUKUYAMA KANKOKAIHATSU.. A 327 Mil ** 2012-03-31
14. 御調観光開発 A 247 Mil ** 2013-08-31
15. Chugoku Marine Paints BBB 83 Bil 2013-03-31
16. HALOWS BBB 81 Bil ** 2013-02-28
17. HIROSHIMA GAS BBB 77 Bil 2013-03-31
18. NISHIKAWA RUBBER BBB 70 Bil 2013-03-31
19. West Holdings BBB 52 Bil 2013-08-31
20. あじかん BBB 35 Bil 2013-03-31
21. FUKUTOME MEAT PACKERS BBB 27 Bil 2013-03-31
22. アヲハタ BBB 18 Bil 2013-10-31
23. CO-COS NOBUOKA BBB 13 Bil 2013-03-31
24. KENSOH BBB 4 Bil ** 2013-03-31
25. 広島ゴルフ観光 BBB 479 Mil ** 2012-12-31
26. BINAN KANKO KAIHATSU BBB 326 Mil ** 2013-09-30
27. Mazda Motor BB 2.2 Tril 2013-03-31
28. MAXVALU NISHINIHON BB 258 Bil ** 2013-02-28
29. リョービ BB 166 Bil 2013-03-31
30. CHUDENKO BB 118 Bil 2013-03-31
31. WOOD ONE BB 64 Bil 2013-03-31
32. KITAGAWA IRON WORKS BB 40 Bil 2013-03-31
33. SOLCOM BB 37 Bil 2012-12-31
34. 内海造船 BB 27 Bil 2013-03-31
35. ヤスハラケミカル BB 11 Bil ** 2013-03-31
36. コンセック BB 8 Bil 2013-03-31
37. OHT BB 3 Bil 2012-04-30
38. MIHARA KYOURANKAIHATSU BB 319 Mil ** 2013-01-31
39. 備後観光開発 BB 241 Mil ** 2013-01-31
40. ビーアールホールディン.. B 19 Bil 2013-03-31
41. Daiwa Heavy Industry B 4 Bil ** 2012-12-31
42. データホライゾン B 1 Bil 2013-03-31
43. 瀬戸内開発 B 277 Mil ** 2013-06-30
44. The Chugoku Electric P.. CCC 1.1 Tril 2013-03-31
45. EDION CCC 685 Bil 2013-03-31
46. TODA KOGYO CCC 31 Bil 2013-03-31
47. ORVIS CCC 10 Bil 2013-10-31
48. RORZE CCC 9 Bil 2013-02-28
49. KITAGAWA SEIKI CCC 3 Bil 2013-06-30
50. 尾道ゴルフ観光 CCC 225 Mil ** 2012-04-30
51. ポプラ CC 56 Bil 2013-02-28
52. CHUGOKUKOGYO CC 11 Bil 2013-03-31
54. YOURS C 58 Bil 2013-09-20
55. 石井表記 C 7 Bil 2013-01-31

Hiroshima: Related Sites



About Credit Rating

* Using official announcement settlement-of-accounts information, it has judged mechanically based on a formula original with EDIUNET.
* Depending on a type of industry, it may not be applied. (Example: Case which has the captive finance company)
* a credit rating in nine stages (AAA-C).
Trust Comment
AAACredit is extremely high. The highest rating.
AACredit is very high, slightly affected by biz environs.
ACredit is high, but affected by biz environs.
BBBCredit is enough, but be decreased potential by biz environs.
BBCredit is a little enough, but be insufficient potential by biz environs.
BCredit is not enough, easily undermined by biz environs.
CCCCredit is fragile, and depended on biz environs.
CCCredit is very vulnerable.
CCredit is extremely vulnerable. The lowest rating.
-Non rating.
Credit Rating IMAGE

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district: Prefectures Ranking (*TOP 3)

Company Rating
日本セラミック AA
三洋電機コンシュー.. A
Company Rating
The San-in Godo .. BBB
Company Rating
メッセージ AA
サンマルクホールディン.. AA
Company Rating
Hiroshima Tourism .. AAA
自重堂 AA
Company Rating
山口放送 AA
Yamaguchi Financia.. A

Prefectures List


*Financial data might be different from the actual one. Please confirm the original, and read Guide.

Related Sites
EDIUNET Credit Rating
EDIUNET Industry Avg
EDIUNET Prefectures
Yuho! Industry
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About Credit Rating
* Using official announcement settlement-of-accounts information, it has judged mechanically based on a formula original with EDIUNET.
* Depending on a type of industry, it may not be applied. (Example: Case which has the captive finance company)

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*This site has obtained the information from the FSA's EDINET, Tokyo Stock Exchange's TDnet and Pay statistical data services, Fukuoka stock Exchange's Stock market capitalization. The copyright of the information belongs to each corporation etc. .

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