Hokkaido: Prefectures Ranking

Hokkaido : Rated at each company, and Credit Rating be compared at each prefecture.

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Hokkaido65: Company Credit Rating (Bankruptcy Risk) and Sales

(Note: ** Non-Consolidated)
NO. Company Rating Sales Note
1. CEホールディングス AAA 6 Bil 2013-09-30
2. kitanotatsujin AAA 1 Bil ** 2013-02-28
3. アークス AA 433 Bil 2013-02-28
4. ニトリホールディングス AA 348 Bil 2013-02-20
5. AIN PHARMACIEZ AA 154 Bil 2013-04-30
6. DAIICHI AA 32 Bil 2013-09-30
7. 札幌テレビ放送 AA 21 Bil 2013-03-31
8. SAPPORO CLINICAL LABOR.. AA 15 Bil 2013-03-31
9. MEGMILK SNOW BRAND A 522 Bil 2013-03-31
10. TSURUHA HOLDINGS A 343 Bil 2013-05-15
11. HOKUYAKU TAKEYAMA Hold.. A 205 Bil 2013-03-31
12. Aeon Hokkaido A 152 Bil ** 2013-02-28
13. HOKKAIDO GAS A 83 Bil 2013-03-31
14. MEDICAL SYSYTEM NETWORK A 54 Bil 2013-03-31
15. SAPPORO DRUG STORE A 46 Bil 2013-02-15
16. HOKKAIDO INTERNATIONAL.. A 45 Bil ** 2013-03-31
17. KIMURA A 27 Bil 2013-03-31
18. 共成レンテム A 19 Bil ** 2013-03-31
19. JOTETSU A 19 Bil 2013-03-31
20. AIR WATER BBB 540 Bil 2013-03-31
21. カナモト BBB 110 Bil 2013-10-31
22. JACCS BBB 102 Bil 2013-03-31
23. NARASAKI SANGYO BBB 97 Bil 2013-03-31
24. MAXVALU HOKKAIDO BBB 90 Bil ** 2013-02-28
25. KUWAZAWA Trading BBB 86 Bil 2013-03-31
26. 北海道銀行 BBB 83 Bil 2013-03-31
27. LOGINET JAPAN BBB 49 Bil 2013-03-31
28. 新日本海フェリー BBB 45 Bil 2012-03-31
29. 北海道中央バス BBB 33 Bil 2013-03-31
30. 土屋ホールディングス BBB 27 Bil 2013-10-31
31. ナガワ BBB 21 Bil 2013-03-31
32. NICHIRYO BAKING BBB 17 Bil ** 2013-03-31
33. SOUGOU SHOUKEN BBB 15 Bil 2013-07-31
34. KITA KOUDENSHA BBB 10 Bil ** 2013-03-31
35. 丸千代山岡家 BBB 8 Bil ** 2013-01-31
36. SHINGAKUKAI BBB 6 Bil 2013-03-31
37. Hokkaido Soda BBB 2 Bil ** 2012-12-31
38. エコミック BBB 545 Mil ** 2013-03-31
39. HOKKAIDO COCA-COLA BOT.. BB 56 Bil 2012-12-31
40. Hokkai Electrical Cons.. BB 52 Bil 2013-03-31
41. 北雄ラッキー BB 43 Bil ** 2013-02-28
42. テーオー小笠原 BB 35 Bil 2013-05-31
43. GEO DINOS BB 8 Bil ** 2013-03-31
44. ホーブ BB 4 Bil 2013-06-30
45. HIKARI HEIGHTS-VARUS BB 3 Bil ** 2013-03-31
46. HOKKAIDO CONSTRUCTION.. BB 1 Bil ** 2012-03-31
47. Softfront BB 549 Mil ** 2013-03-31
48. 小樽ゴルフ場 BB 165 Mil ** 2012-12-31
49. HOKKAIDO BROADCASTING B 13 Bil 2013-03-31
50. Ost Japan Group B 5 Bil 2012-06-30
51. 日本清酒 B 2 Bil 2013-09-30
52. Sapporo Hokuyo Holdings CCC 172 Bil 2012-03-31
53. FUJITA CORPORATION CCC 6 Bil ** 2013-03-31
54. キャリアバンク CCC 5 Bil 2013-05-31
55. インサイト CCC 1 Bil 2013-06-30
56. Hokkaido Electric Power CC 634 Bil 2012-03-31
57. Nakamichi leasing CC 31 Bil ** 2012-12-31
58. HOKKAIDO FOOTBALL CLUB C 1 Bil ** 2012-12-31
59. RH Insigno C 903 Mil 2012-03-31
60. 旭川国際ゴルフ場 C 196 Mil ** 2012-12-31
61. カブトデコム C 45 Mil 2012-03-31
62. Hokkaido Air System C - ** 2013-03-31
63. North Pacific Bank - 162 Bil 2013-03-31
64. Wakou Shokuhin - 5 Bil 2013-03-31
65. ジーンテクノサイエンス - 60 Mil ** 2013-03-31

Hokkaido: Related Sites



About Credit Rating

* Using official announcement settlement-of-accounts information, it has judged mechanically based on a formula original with EDIUNET.
* Depending on a type of industry, it may not be applied. (Example: Case which has the captive finance company)
* a credit rating in nine stages (AAA-C).
Trust Comment
AAACredit is extremely high. The highest rating.
AACredit is very high, slightly affected by biz environs.
ACredit is high, but affected by biz environs.
BBBCredit is enough, but be decreased potential by biz environs.
BBCredit is a little enough, but be insufficient potential by biz environs.
BCredit is not enough, easily undermined by biz environs.
CCCCredit is fragile, and depended on biz environs.
CCCredit is very vulnerable.
CCredit is extremely vulnerable. The lowest rating.
-Non rating.
Credit Rating IMAGE

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district: Prefectures Ranking (*TOP 3)

Company Rating
CEホールディン.. AAA
アークス AA
ニトリホールディングス AA

Prefectures List


*Financial data might be different from the actual one. Please confirm the original, and read Guide.

Related Sites
EDIUNET Credit Rating
EDIUNET Industry Avg
EDIUNET Prefectures
Yuho! Industry
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About Credit Rating
* Using official announcement settlement-of-accounts information, it has judged mechanically based on a formula original with EDIUNET.
* Depending on a type of industry, it may not be applied. (Example: Case which has the captive finance company)

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*This site has obtained the information from the FSA's EDINET, Tokyo Stock Exchange's TDnet and Pay statistical data services, Fukuoka stock Exchange's Stock market capitalization. The copyright of the information belongs to each corporation etc. .

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